Apple removes Epic Games account and all its apps from App Store
The Epic-Apple battle has eventually resulted in Epic losing its developer account on iOS. Apple has removed all apps and games from Epic Games.
It has been a while since Epic Games began its quest to democratise the App Store. Over time, developments on the matter hinted at Epic having its way. However, owing to pre-defined guidelines, Apple has taken the ultimate move on Epic. Starting today, all of Epic’s apps and games are gone from the App Store. In fact, Epic has lost its developer’s account form the Apple ecosystem.
Previously, Apple warned Epic of its account suspension if it doesn’t comply to the App Store guidelines. Epic, however, was busy seeking help from the law and it didn’t budge from its stand. Hence, as notified, Apple removed Epic’s developer account from the Apple ecosystem. This means all other apps and games from Epic are gone. Fortnite, which is Epic’s biggest cash cow, has been gone for weeks.
However, Epic still gets to keep its alternate account that supports the Unreal Engine in other games. Those players who still have Fortnite pre-installed can continue to play the game but will be devoid of newer updates. Additionally, all purchases made via Apple’s payment system won’t be available in-game. All this until Epic gives in to the App Store guidelines and undoes what it did a few weeks ago.
“We are disappointed that we have had to terminate the Epic Games account on the App Store. We have worked with the team at Epic Games for many years on their launches and releases. The court recommended that Epic comply with the App Store guidelines while their case moves forward, guidelines they’ve followed for the past decade until they created this situation. Epic has refused,” says Apple.
“…instead they repeatedly submit Fortnite updates designed to violate the guidelines of the App Store. This is not fair to all other developers on the App Store and is putting customers in the middle of their fight. We hope that we can work together again in the future, but unfortunately that is not possible today,” concludes Apple in its statement.
Epic-Apple battle: Why it happened
It all started when Epic Games released an update to Fortnite bypassing Apple’s payment system. Apple takes a commission of 30 per cent on all transactions and Epic didn’t want to do that. With the update, in-game items in Fortnite became cheaper to buy. Apple eventually took down the game and notified Epic to reverse the change. Fortnite took to the streets to protest against Apple with several statements and a troll video. Apple eventually removed Epic’s developer account. Same was the case with Google that also shelved Fortnite from the Play Store.
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